Yes. The Chancellor Paterson Library's Lost & Found is located at the Services Desk.
Items are turned in on a daily basis. Not in the library? Check with Campus Security.
Library staff make every effort to contact the owner of a lost article if identifying information is available. Otherwise, the Library will hold items for a limited amount of time:
Low-value items: these items are usually held for a minimum of 2 weeks before being discarded or donated. Examples may include water bottles, clothing, stationery items, books, inexpensive electronics (earbuds, wireless mice, chargers, etc.).
High-value items: typically, these items are delivered to Campus Security within 24 hours. Examples may include money or credit cards, jewelry, identification or confidential documents, expensive electronics (laptops, tablets, cell phones, etc.), and keys.
USB drives and student cards are typically held until the end of the semester.
Questions? Email us at or call (807) 343-8225.
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